How to Install WordPress

In the previous tutorial, we introduced you to WordPress and how it helps you.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to install WordPress on your web server.

Before you install WordPress, you need to ensure your web host has the minimum requirements to host a WordPress website. As we mentioned in an earlier tutorial, we recommend Hostgator as our web host of choice. Hostgator’s Linux web hosting plans are suitable to host a WordPress installation.

There are two ways to install WordPress:

  1. Manual installation
  2. Using a installing application like Fantastico which is included with your Hostgator web hosting package

Manual Installation

Rather than re-invent the wheel, the site has an excellent guide on how to manually install WordPress.

For this method, you will need:

  • An FTP client to upload files to your web server – we recommend the free tool Filezilla
  • A text or HTML editor – we recommend the free Notepad++
  • A web browser
  • Access details to your web server – usually the FTP access details is the same as your cPanel login details for your Hostgator account

Install WordPress with Fantastico

  1. Log into your web hosting account – if you’ve signed up with Hostgator, this is typically:
  2. Scroll down to the Software/Services section of your dashboard and click the Fantastico icon
  3. Click on  “WordPress” under the “Blogs” section of Fantastico
    Install WordPress
  4. You’ll be taken to the WordPress installation screen, click on the “New Installation” link
    Wordpress new installation
  5. Next, you need to enter some details for your WordPress installation. If you are using WordPress as the main content management system for your whole website, then you most likely want to install WordPress in your “root directory” – so leave the field “Install in directory” blank and select the appropriate domain name to install.The rest of the fields are pretty straightforward:
    Wordpress install settings
  6. Click on the “Install WordPress” button
  7. You’ll be taken to a final screen, click on “Finish Installation” button to complete the installation of WordPress
  8. The next screen will include links and details to access the administration area of your new WordPress installation – write these down
  9. To administer your new WordPress installation, the admin area is usually: if you installed it in your root directory
  10. Voila! You have installed WordPress and ready to rock!

Tools Mentioned in This Tutorial:

Manual installation:

  • Free FTP client: Filezilla
  • Free text and HTML editor: Notepad++
  • Web browser such as Firefox or Chrome

Fantastico installation:

  • Fantastico script: usually included with your hosting plan with Hostgator

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