If you’re having problems closing deals, then you need to see this…

High-Ticket Power Sales Closer Masterclass

The definitive enterprise sales closing training for Startups and Businesses selling to other businesses.

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…if you’re losing and not closing deals, I probably know why.

“Why aren’t I closing deals????”

I meet many entrepreneurs, startup founders and B2B sales professionals in my work.

Many make the same mistakes when it comes to hiring sales and business development people too.

I see the same issue over and over again over the last two decades:

  • You get a request for proposal (RFP) OR
  • You chase after some big potential client
  • You work your butt off on creating a presentation, sales pitch or proposal
  • You submit your proposal with all these bells and whistles and then…
  • …nothing. Silence.
  • You never hear from that prospect again OR if you’re lucky they tell you they chose someone else over you.
  • You’re left scratching your head wondering why? What went wrong? Why aren’t we closing these deals?

The answer is our High-Ticket Power Sales Closer Masterclass.

This is a proprietary sales closing system and framework we’ve developed over two decades of selling and closing big clients like multinational banks, financial institutions, Fortune 500 companies, large enterprises, Government agencies and more.

What’s Covered in the Masterclass?


Should your sales people be cold-calling or prospecting? Our answer to this age-old dilemma.


  • Doing this increases your chances of closing a sale by 2,500%
  • The 4 Power Profile Quadrants
  • The ideal number of Power Profiles that cover approximately 80% of your target market


  • How to determine whether you should or shouldn’t respond to an RFP
  • The #1 reason your sales closing rate is low is this…
  • If you had multiple opportunities to go after but only enough resources to go after one, what do you do?


  • The ONE element to keep in mind as you communicate with your prospective client that keeps them interested in what you have to say.
  • How to get a leg up on your competitors by doing this one simple activity before you submit any proposal.
  • By asking our Power Closer questions. Here you assess their situation and the reasons why they’re looking for a solution.
  • How to present your product/service as the only choice
    • The Power Closer Proposal Framework™
    • How to close a high-ticket deal without being there in person. 
    • The answer to how long and what to include in your proposal.
    • The common mistakes most businesses make when crafting a proposal and why they don’t convert.
    • The proven Power Closer Proposal Framework that has helped us close 5-6 figure deals (US dollars) without even meeting the prospect in person
    • The Power Closer Proposal Framework follows a proven sequence of laying out your proposal content.
    • Most proposals we see get this wrong and explains why they’re not closing deals.
    • The one mistake many make after submitting their proposal.
    • Majority of sales are lost because people fail to do these tasks…
    • Whether you win or lose the deal, you MUST do this


  • The little-known test that accurately shows you who should be your closers, who should write your sales copy/proposals, etc (this is not the Myers-Briggs test)
  • How to interpret the test results

Who should attend?

  • checkEntrepreneurs
  • checkBusiness owners
  • checkCoaches & Consultants
  • checkStartups
  • checkSaaS companies
  • checkFintech Startups & companies
  • checkBusiness development professionals
  • checkSales professionals
  • checkRelationship managers
  • checkTechnology sales professionals

This Masterclass is suitable for you even whether you’re an introvert or extrovert – works just as well for any type of person.

But, this is NOT for pitching to venture capitalists (VC’s) or potential investors. That’s a different story.

How is this Masterclass different from other sales training?


We always get asked “How do you find and get all these big clients to pay you???”

We’ve developed this system and framework over two decades worth of selling to big companies around the world.

It’s proven to work time and time again.


I see a ton of workshops and courses being sold with instructors with five to ten years experience.

I’m sure they’re nice & smart people, but I come with two decades worth of lessons and experience.

That is two to four times more experience than most instructors out there.

Which would you rather choose?


“We are the sum of the average five people we surround ourselves with.”

I meet a lot of startups and sales people who think they know everything already. (If that were the case, you’d be closing those deals you’re losing…).

We’re picky about the people who take this masterclass.

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Your Mentor: Vincent Po

Vincent has over 20 years of sales & marketing experience from listed companies to starting up two of his own companies.

Vincent worked for one of the largest computer distributors in Western Canada as an account sales.

He was also the Head of Marketing for Asia-Pacific for the training division of a large listed UK media company.

He co-founded a global training company of his own with global enterprise clients around the world and is founder of Virtual Tree digital marketing agency.

Vincent is Google Adwords Search Certified and a Certified Funnel Expert.

Vincent’s unique skills lie in having marketing & business skills coupled with a technical computing & programming background.

Vincent’s passionate about business, marketing, software, technology, AI, automation and is a lifelong student of these areas.

How Much Is the Investment?

Make no mistake, this masterclass is an investment. It’s not a cost or expense.

If you see this as a cost to you, then this is not for you.

It means, after attending this masterclass, you walk away with skills, frameworks and tools to close deals in the 5-figure range and higher for your business (and any future business you work for) and I share lessons I learned from over two decades in sales and marketing.

If you have that mindset, then great, I invite you to attend the masterclass.

Your investment in the live masterclass is only USD1598.

This is virtually a drop in the bucket if you know how to close big ticket deals.

Early Bird Bonus

The first 3 attendees (fully paid) will also get a complimentary Power Sales Proposal Review (valued at USD1,000). We’ll record a video review of a proposal of your choice and make suggestions for improvements.*Limited to 1 review per company.

Enroll is Closed.

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