Spend More Time On Your Business, Let Us Handle the Boring Technical Maintenance of Your Website
Don’t think it can happen to you? These people didn’t either…
WordPress is a great platform to build a website, but it’s popularity makes it extremely popular for hackers to target sites built using WordPress.
Just look at the below cases of WordPress site owners and web masters:
If you have more than one WordPress site, can you imagine this happening?
It can create headaches for both clients AND your web agencies:
If your site ends up being hacked, you don’t want to see this warning from Google come up for your customers and potential customers when they visit your site:
“73.2% of the most popular WordPress installations are vulnerable to vulnerabilities which can be detected using free automated tools” [source:]
So, if your website is mission critical to your business (and I’m sure it is or you wouldn’t be here) but worrying about the technical side of your website is not something you want to waste time doing yourself, then Virtual-Tree’s WP WordPress Concierge Maintenance service is for you.
See we have many clients who are in the same situation, you don’t want to fiddle around with the technical side, you already wear so many hats in your business, this is one less thing to worry about. It’s why we created this service, just for people like you.
Virtual Tree’s WP Concierge Maintenance Service helps you:
Focus On the Important Tasks In Your Business
Stop wasting time fiddling with backups, weekly updates and focus on the important things that grow your business.
Secure Your Site from Malicious Attacks
Make your site “annoying” to potential hackers by making it as secure as possible so they move onto more vulnerable and easier targets.
Have Peace of Mind
Be comfortable and confident you’re doing everything you can to prevent yourself from being a victim of malicious hacking and knowing even if you do get attacked, your site is backed up and can be restored as quickly as possible reducing downtime as much as possible.
Here’s What You Get with Our WordPress Concierge Service
Regular Updates of Your WordPress Site
Anyone who’s managed a WordPress site knows there are TONS of updates to the core WordPress files and any plugins you may have.
We take the headache for you and keep your WordPress site updated so you don’t have to worry about it.
Regular, scheduled backups
We schedule regular daily, weekly and monthly backups for you so you can run your business with the piece of mind your site is safe.
Offsite cloud backups
Your backups are stored in a secure offsite cloud backup.
We use Amazon’s S3 cloud services to keep your backup files safe and readily available.
24/7 Site Monitoring
We keep a 24/7 site monitoring service to keep an eye out for any outages or downtime on your website.
Backup restore service
In the event you need to restore your site with the latest backup, we’ll do that for you.
Private Members-Only WP Support Group
Customers also get access to our private members-only WordPress support group.
For a Limited Time, You Can Get Started for…Just £1…
00Days00Hours00Minutes00SecondsOffer Expired
We want to show you, you can trust us to help you. That’s why we’re offering new clients a chance to try out our WP Concierge Maintenance service for just £1 for your first month.
Just choose which plan below best suits you and if by the end of the first month you like what you see, you’ll automatically continue the service at the regular rates for the plan you select.
WP Secure Biz
Great for Starters
1 WordPress site
Regular, scheduled backups of:
- WordPress theme
- WordPress core files
- WordPress plugins
- WordPress database
- Offsite cloud backups
- 24/7 Site Monitoring
- Regular updates of your WordPress core and plugins
- Backup restore service
- Access to our private members-only WP Facebook Support Group
- Discounts on multiple sites
- Installation of new plugins ($15 per plugin)
- Priority support
£45 / month
Your First Month Just £ 1
renewed at regular price £45/mo after first 30 days
or Save £54 – £486/year paid annually
WP Secure Biz Pro
Best Value
1 WordPress site
Regular, scheduled backups of:
- WordPress theme
- WordPress core files
- WordPress plugins
- WordPress database
- Offisite cloud backups
- 24/7 Site Monitoring
- Regular updates of your WordPress core and plugins
- Backup restore service
- Access to our private members-only WP Facebook Support Group
- Discounts on multiple sites
- Installation of up to 5 new WP plugins per month
- Priority support
£75 / month
Your First Month Just £ 1
renewed at regular price £75/mo after first 30 days
or Save £90 – £810/year paid annually
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: How does this work?
A: Sign up above, once you make your initial payment you’ll be asked to provide access details to your website so we can get you setup as soon as possible.
On average, we will have you setup within 1-2 business days.
Q: Do these plans include uploading, updating content on my WP site?
A: No. This service is purely for maintaining, backing up and monitoring your WordPress site. For content maintenance service plans, see here.?
Q: Do you support WordPress multisites?
A: No. We are currently unable to support multisite function.?
Q: Does my WordPress site need to be hosted by you?
A: No. We can pretty much work with any web host you use.?
Q: Is there a phone number for support?
A: No. In order to process support requests properly, we only take support requests through our support ticket feature or at: [email protected]
Q: What happens if I cancel the service?
A: Upon cancellation of this service we will provide you with the most recent backup files to download within 7 days. After which, all backups, files, logs will be removed & deleted from our cloud storage so please ensure you save your files/backup in a safe place.
Q: Am I locked into a contract with you?
A: No. you may cancel 5 working days before your next scheduled billing date?.
Q: Do you provide WordPress development and customization services?
A: No, we currently do not provide WordPress development or customizations.
Q: What is priority support?
A: Priority support means your support request will take priority over non-Pro plan members.
Q: What do I need to provide to use this service?
A: We’ll require Admin access to your WordPress site, FTP and SSH access to your web host. (we’ll explain how to do this)
Q: What happens if something breaks when my WordPress site and/or plugins are updated?
A: If your site breaks and we can fix it immediately (it’s an obvious or known issue) we will fix it immediately and notify the main account contact via email.
If the fix is unknown or not immediate, we will restore your site back to the most recent backup (created before the update).
We will spend up to one hour of time fixing/troubleshooting the problem – if we cannot fix the problem within that time, we will give you a time/cost estimate and let you decide if you’d like us to move forward.